

50W 50-70MHz Very Efficient Low Cost Pallet.

This pallet has been designed to operate broadband (no tuning) between 54-68MHz. It provides a very clean spectrum due to the sophisticated output filters. The AMP-50WL can be power supplied by vehicular source or any other 13.8V source.

It is very efficient, very reliable and very affordable.

Please contact us for further information.

Very Affordable,
Very Efficient,
Can be supplied by a vehicular source,
Built in low pass filter,
Silver plated,
Very reliable,
Very low cost accessories.

Operating Frequency: 54-68MHz Usable from 50-75MHz
Input Power: 0dBm/500mW optional
Output Power: 65W max, 50W typical, 45W minimum at 45C.
Harmonic Rejection: > 75dBc
Voltage: 12VDC minimum, 13.8VDC typical,16VDC maximum.
Power Dissipation:110W maximum.